Dry, Sandy Soil Mix

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    Purchase Dry, Sandy Soil Mix

    Dry, Sandy Soil Mix

    SKU: 50003



    Having dry, sandy soil doesn’t mean you have to settle for less. These drought tolerant native plants have been specially selected because they thrive naturally in dry sand and gravelly soil! Expect a whirlwind of colour throughout the season with this mix!

    For step-by-step instructions see our How to Grow a Meadow information pages.

    About our Seed Mixes

    All of our wildflower seed mixes are designed on a "seeds sown per square foot" ratio of approximately 60% flowers and 40% grasses, this way you'll get exactly the amount of seed you need for the area you wish to grow your meadow. Our seed mixes include written instructions and are ready to plant!

    Our Dry, Sandy Soil Mix contains the following wildflowers and native grasses:
    Click on the plant's name to see a pop-up photo of it.

    Wildflower Seeds
    Species Name Common Name
    Achillea millefolium White Yarrow
    Agastache foeniculum Anise Hyssop
    Amorpha canescens Leadplant
    Asclepias tuberosa Butterflyweed
    Astragalus canadensis Canada Milk Vetch
    Coreopsis lanceolata Lanceleaf Coreopsis
    Dalea purpurea Purple Prairie Clover
    Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower
    Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake Master
    Gaillardia aristata Blanketflower
    Liatris aspera Rough Blazingstar
    Lupinus perennis Wild Lupine
    Monarda fistulosa Bergamot
    Oligoneuron album White Aster
    Oligoneuron rigidum Stiff Goldenrod
    Ratibida pinnata Yellow Coneflower
    Rudbeckia hirta Black Eyed Susan
    Solidago speciosa Showy Goldenrod
    Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth Aster
    Tradescantia ohiensis Spiderwort
    Verbena stricta Hoary Vervain
    Native Grass Seeds
    Species Name Common Name
    Bouteloua curtipendula Sideoats Grama
    Panicum virgatum Switchgrass
    Schizachyrium scoparium
    Little Bluestem
    Nurse Crop
    Species Name Common Name
    Lolium multiflorum
    Annual Rye Grass
    Please note: All wildflower seed mixes over 1,000 sq. ft. are custom seed mixes. Custom seed mix orders, as they are made specifically for you, cannot be returned.